Judit BAGI

Degrees: sinologist MA (ELTE), PhD candidate at the European Ethnology – Cultural Anthropology Program, Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, the University of Pécs

Research interests: Chinese Popular Religion, Dunhuang Studies, Silk Road Studies, Cultural Anthropology

Publications: MTMT

Membership: European Association for Chinese Studies

Contact: Bagi.Judit[at]uni-nke.hu

Projects: Chinese religion and society


Ms Judit Bagi is a sinologist. She is a PhD candidate at the European Ethnology – Cultural Anthropology Program, Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, the University of Pécs. She is a research fellow at the Religion and Society Research Institute.

She worked as a Chinese reference librarian in the Oriental Collection of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Her major research interest is analyzing Chinese medieval filial texts and their connection to contemporary rituals and oral tradition in China. Her philological research focuses on the related Dunhuang materials and their local textual versions, especially from the places of the Silk Road, the Southwestern Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road. She follows an interdisciplinary approach in her research methods.


Selected publications:

„A Wutaishan, Mañjuśrī és a zarándoklat hármassága” [Trinity of Wutaishan, Mañjuśrī and the Pilgrimage] Ethnica, 2010. No. 1., pp. 9-11.

„Buddhista legendák a konfuciánus Kínában. A jóság viszonzásának és a bűnök megváltásának etikája Ég és Föld között”[„Buddhist Legends in Confucian China”]. In: Landgraf Ildikó, Nagy Zoltán (ed.): Unescapable. Festschrift to the 60th Birthday of Professor Vargyas Gabor. Pécs: PTE Néprajz – Kulturális Antropológia Tanszék; Budapest: MTA BTK Néprajztudományi Intézet: L’Harmattan, 2012, pp. 407-428.

„Mulian pokoljárása a Tengchongi Tíz Király Ünnep során” [The Performance of Mulian’s Descent to Hell during the Ten King’s Festival in Tengchong] Távol-keleti Tanulmányok, 2012/1-2, pp. 7-63.